// Lexie's training diary (Glenoak Curiosity)
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januar 2021
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 13:54

We fulfilled our goal which was achieving the intermediate title RLII in class 2 as well as getting the go ahead for start in class 3.

In the New Year, except in possible Corona lockdowns, we look forward to get back to training with our dog clubs both in rally and in nosework. Goal for next year is achieving the RLIII title, but I can see that this goal is more difficult to reach than RLIII. We will at least not fail to try. :) I know that Lexie will be able, but it is a teamwork, so the handler must be able too. ;)

september 2020
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 08:24

What a fun weekend we have had in Bergen. Glenoak Curiosity, Lexie’s, first Nosework competition!

The two days competition was arranged by Canis Bergen. Saturday morning Lexie, passed the LGT1 test for the birch scent which is needed to be able to compete. Puuuhhh.

Competion day 1:
NW1 4 searches, 2 outdoors and 2 indoors. She passed the 2 searches outdoors with 25 points each. 🥰 Indoor she was not wholeheartedly focused when she searched. It was in the cellar of the school, and she also focused on the surroundings. Note to self to train often indoor searches at unfamiliar places. On these two searches she broke the time limits.

Day two: S1-U, 4 outdoor searches. Mom much more relaxed just having fun. First search: she did not find the hide within the time limit. Second search: she nailed within 25,12 second with a firm and nice freezemarking. 25 points Third search: She peed on the gras in the search area, shit happens. Disqualified. To her defense the dog before us peed at this spot.😉 Lexie has never peed when searching before so this does not worry me. The fourth search: She nailed within 8,12 seconds (time limit is 3 minutes by the way). Again with a very nice freeze marking. 🥰 25 points.

The first day I was very nervous on the first searches which of course made it more difficult for Lexie. First competition, and I did not know what to expect or the procedures. She still marked good enough for me to understand that she had found the hides, but not as good as in training.

The second day I was much more relaxed, just having fun and enjoying the day. Her freeze markings on the hides were very good so then I was 100% sure she marked the hides.

This was so much fun. Corona go away, and let the competitions begin. 😀

september 2020
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 08:00

Glenoak Curiosity «Lexie» made her debut in class 2 in rally obedience on July 12th. (First time unleashed in the rally obedience ring, which was a border hard for me,
the handler, to cross, but the outcome really exceeded my expectations). The finish line was just in front of the judge’s/personnel tent. With Lexie and her love for people I thought she
would finish the run in the tent, but she kept to me at all times from the beginning to the end of the run. Such a good girl.
She received the first of 3 needed qualifying scores to earn the title RL2 and to enter class 3. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

In second run we disqualified. I have to take the fault for this. 😉

So proud of my lovely girl.❤️

august 2020
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 17:28

In the middle of June this year Lexie and I completed the 6 months long online Scent For Six course at The School of Canine Science.
We learnt a lot, and it seemed as if Lexie really enjoyed this new experience also called nosework.

3 amazing instructors, Nando Brown, Jo-Rosie Haffenden and Dan Nicholas made this course everything we wanted and more. The course left us inspired to keep on training.
Highly recommended for you and your dog(s).

A couple of days before Christmas Lexie and I attended a course held by Raptus Hund (@raptushund). Packed with fun excersises and knowledge like: How to strengthen various bodyparts, Confidence building and Body awareness. Higly recommend this course. Lexie do too.

Photos: @raptushund

Cavaletti: Body awareness, you know those hind legs dogs seem to forget they have:

Balance training with the help of buja boards:

Push Ups for dogs:

From stand to sit with front legs on balance «pillow»:

mars 2019
Kategori: Uncategorized | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 13:25

Yes, it is all about dogs, but I got a bit sidetracked last autumn. Not every year my son gets married. The wedding took place in Loen, Stryn at the top of the mountain Hoven. The wedding ceremony was held on the runway for paragliders, of course, and the wedding party inside the beautiful Hoven Restaurant. If you ever are coming to Norway, Stryn is a beautiful place to visit. My dream is to revisit Stryn, take Loen Skylift up to the mountain top and explore the mountain with my fourlegged friend before heading down. Taking hikes in Olden, Lodalen/Lovatnet, Strynfjellet and refilling batteries for at least 2 weeks.

The happy couple:

Lexie and I have continued our training, but we got to a stage with no further progress in our working under distractions training. I therefore lacked confident in attending rally obedience competitions. I knew there was still a pretty good chance that without the leash on, Lexie could be tempted to look up some people outside the ring. People perhaps with dogs on leash that would not appreciate another dog, although ever so friendly, in their face. My responsibility to avoid such incidents, and to make our debut in class 2 as predictable and safe as possible. Although one can never be 100% sure, the odds should tip heavily in our favour. Would I ever be able to enter class 2?

I knew we had to train in a different way, as more of the same of course gave the same «half way» results. I just did not know just how. And then another training course with Helle Sejer Damkjær came along giving us just the tools and understanding I needed. Suddenly I am filled with new hope and motivation. More on this to follow another day.

In the meantime – who is the boss – any wonder the jury was out on that one – look at that lovely face :

The theme «The competition dog». Instructor Helle Sejer Damkjær from Denmark. A brilliant two days course from which I took diligent notes. A heap to learn and to note both from instructors feedback to me and Lexie and from the feedback to the other participants. Before entering level 2 in Rally Obedience I have a lot of training to do regading off leash training and competition training. It was two days well spent, and I hope to get the chance to sign on another course by Helle in future. Lexie was really focused during the course. It was only by our third training session on the second day I could tell that she was a bit tired. Proud of my girl.

juli 2018
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 17:22

Yes, that’s right, the title in Rally Obedience level 1 is now approved by the Norwegian Kennel Klubb.

In the the middle of August, we are looking forward to attend a weekend course for the competition equipage in Haugesund with the well-known instructor Helle Sejer Damkjær from Denmark.
The learning curve can only go upwards.

I helgen var jeg og Lexie på vårt andre dobbeltstevne i rallylydighet. Vi overnattet på Kongeparken Camping bare 10 minutters kjøring unna. Perfekt. Ble ikke mye søvn første natten, og vi ankom stevnet i veldig god tid og rigget oss til. Dommer for lørdag klasse 1 var Crystal Kay. Jeg vekslet mellom å sitte og prøve å slappe av og å vandre litt rundt med Lexie for å lodde om hun var klar og tok øyenkontakt. Det var hun, og vi gjorde litt øvelser med godbitsbelønninger.

Dommeren satte opp en grei bane, briefingen overstått, og så var det bare å vente på tur. Begynner å kitle litt i magen da ja, men sånn skal det vel være. Trenger litt adrenalinkick i min alder . Vi endte opp med 1. premie, 188 poeng, og plassering 8 av 25 hunder. Kjempefornøyd med det. Det var målet å prøve å få en tredje førstepremie slik at vi kunne søke om mellomtittelen RL1. Lexie hadde noen trege sitter innimellom. Det er en utfordring at hun må gjennom hele banen før godbiter kommer frem. Målet er å prøve å få samme iver under økter på stevner som hjemme i hagen, selv om hun må vente litt på belønning. Men enkelt er det ikke.

Var det dette skiltet du disket på muttern?

Søndagen var Ghita Fossum
Med briefingen unnnagjort så tenkte jeg at denne banen passet oss, få gjentagelser av sitt. Jippy. Da måtte jeg selvsagt klusse det til på et av skiltene med et ekstra skritt slik at vi disket. Men uansett, av de 4 banene vi har gått på stevner hittil, så følte jeg til tross for disken, best godfølelse etterpå. Vi hadde bedre flyt og bedre tid så det tar vi med oss videre.

Alt i alt en kjempekjekk helg. Og jeg fikk en ide til å forandre tiden/oppvarmingen før banen, og belønningen etter banen. Det skal vi nå prøve ut og se om funker bedre for Lexie også.

Natt til mandag sto jeg opp i to-tiden og printet ut noen klasse 2 baner. Klarte ikke vente. Gal, neida. Nå skal vi bruke resten av sommeren på å trene på disse øvelsene og på å gå baner fvf. Så kanskje, bare kanskje er vi klar for klasse 2 til neste dobbeltstevne på Bogafjell i begynnelsen av september.

Rally obedience weekend at Bogafjell, Sandnes.

We spent the past weekend competing in rally obedience at Bogafjell school arena just outside the 4th biggest city in Norway, namely Stavanger, which showed in the number of dogs attending.

Day 1 was judged by Crystal Kay. Lexie and I made it through the run, but how did we do? My brain is working overtime during the run, so much to remember and watch out for, so afterwards it is kinda blurred. Did I remember to do the walk around Lexie at the «Sit – Walk Around» sign? If not – disqualification. Or was there even a Walk Around at that sign? Oh well, there was always tomorrow. So we enjoyed the rest of the day watching some great dogs in the ring while waiting for the results.

The excitement when the judge delivers the results – oh my. Much to my surprise and joy we made it pass the disqualifications handed out. We ended up with our third red ribbon at our third competition.

188 points and placed 8th out of 25 dogs. Holy Macaroni, I am so proud of Lexie, and what she is able to achieve in spite of her clumsy owner. Now we can send our application to Norwegian Kennel Klub for the Level 1 Excellent Title: RL1. HURRAY.

Day 2 was jugded by Ghita Fossum. I just loved the run she had set up – so much heelwork and turns etc and so few repetitions of «sit» (which Lexie inbetween finds a bit boring. To make it short I, as the handler, made one step where I shouldn’t have, resulting in disqualification, but other than that only two points deducted at one other sign. 4 smileys from the judge!! at 4 places. And what more, we finished at a very good time 2,25, and I felt so good about the feeling of flow through the run making it all worthwhile.

Enjoyable weekend. When watching the Level 2 class, I can see that we have a challenging task ahead. The red ribbons will not come as easily. But hey, we can take a challenge, right Lexie?

mai 2018
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 20:35

Sist helg debuterte Lexie og jeg i rallylydighet på dobbeltstevnet i Haugesund.  Dommer:  Ghita Fossum.  Målet var å komme et stykke på vei gjennom banen.  Vi har trent godt på alle øvelsene i klasse 1, men er ikke helt i mål med at Lexie velvillig går en hel bane uten godbit.   Hun har i mange år fått godbit for den minste ting hun har utført, så å gå en hel bane med øvelser uten er jo en stor omveltning for henne.  Så jeg regnet med disk begge dager, men å prøve å ha det gøy, og å komme i gang.

Vi møtte tidlig opp på stevneplassen, delvis for å få plass i skyggen på en solhet dag og delvis for at det kan variere når Lexie «melder seg på» for å jobbe.   Når briefing av banen kom, var hun fremdeles bare halvveis på, til tross for godbiter, så hvordan skulle det gå uten?  Men, men, jeg tenkte det fikk nå bare gå som det ville.  What doesn’t kill you….  Banen var kjekk den, men ikke så lett å huske syntes jeg.  Desto lenger jeg ventet på å entre banen sammen med Lexie, desto mer var jeg sikker på at jeg kom til å klusse det til og gå feil.   Lexie ble litt mer på til vi skulle gå.   Kan bare si at det kokte i hodet mitt når vi gikk så at jeg husket banen var et under.  Lexie var treg på noen «sitter», men vi kom oss gjennom hele banen, og jeg var kjempefornøyd.  Gode jenta mi .    Ved premieutdelingen viste det seg at det hadde gått over all forventning.  1. premie med 190 poeng av 200 mulige og direkte opprykk til klasse 2.  Plassering 4 av 12 deltakere.  Herlighet så stolt jeg ble av Lexie :).

Dag 2 ble Lexie tidligere og litt mer fokusert til vi skulle gå så det gikk noe fortere gjennom banen, men hun synes fremdeles det er kjedelig å  utføre mange sitter uten godbit, så noe treg på et par der.  Men igjen et løp vi ble fornøyd med.  Nok en  1. premie med 191 poeng og direkte opprykk, og 4. plass.  Da mangler vi en til 1. premie så har vi mellomtittelen i boks.

Hvem skulle trodd det ??  Ikke jeg i allefall.  Jeg må klype meg i armen.

Noen notes to self basert på kommentar på kritikken fra dommer:


«Ikke løp i slalomen/andre steder enn der det står. «   Godt å få påpekt dette for det var helt ubevisst, men jeg ser jo av bildet at det tyder på at jeg har hatt fart ja.

«OBS Bra som kommando)   Den var jeg klar over, men tenkte jeg fikk ta trekket, bare vi kom oss videre.  Her er det to viljer mot hverandre :).  Det beste er å vente henne ut.  Dobbeltkommando funger som oftest ikke, hun hørte meg første gang. Bedre å vise henne at vi går ikke videre før du «sitter».   På bildet håper jeg fremdeles på sitt, men retter meg så litt opp og ser rett frem for å gi henne signal om at her står vi, jeg er mer sta enn deg, så vi kom oss videre :).

Sitter igjen med en veldig god følelse etter stevnet.  Flott vær, om noe varmt, kjekke folk, og en dommer som klubbvenner på forhånd sa var en fin dommer å debutere for, og det stemte.

Nå vet jeg at vi har sjanse på å komme gjennom banen, så fremtidige disker går nå greit.  Noen ganger har en dagen, noen ganger ikke.

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