// Lexie's training diary (Glenoak Curiosity)
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Fitness/balance/body awareness course for dogs at Raptus Hund

Kategori: Uncategorized | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet lørdag 1. februar , 2020 kl. 17:44

A couple of days before Christmas Lexie and I attended a course held by Raptus Hund (@raptushund). Packed with fun excersises and knowledge like: How to strengthen various bodyparts, Confidence building and Body awareness. Higly recommend this course. Lexie do too.

Photos: @raptushund

Cavaletti: Body awareness, you know those hind legs dogs seem to forget they have:

Balance training with the help of buja boards:

Push Ups for dogs:

From stand to sit with front legs on balance «pillow»:

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