// Lexie's training diary (Glenoak Curiosity)
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Stikkord: working rough collie


Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 1. september , 2020 kl. 08:24

What a fun weekend we have had in Bergen. Glenoak Curiosity, Lexie’s, first Nosework competition!

The two days competition was arranged by Canis Bergen. Saturday morning Lexie, passed the LGT1 test for the birch scent which is needed to be able to compete. Puuuhhh.

Competion day 1:
NW1 4 searches, 2 outdoors and 2 indoors. She passed the 2 searches outdoors with 25 points each. 🥰 Indoor she was not wholeheartedly focused when she searched. It was in the cellar of the school, and she also focused on the surroundings. Note to self to train often indoor searches at unfamiliar places. On these two searches she broke the time limits.

Day two: S1-U, 4 outdoor searches. Mom much more relaxed just having fun. First search: she did not find the hide within the time limit. Second search: she nailed within 25,12 second with a firm and nice freezemarking. 25 points Third search: She peed on the gras in the search area, shit happens. Disqualified. To her defense the dog before us peed at this spot.😉 Lexie has never peed when searching before so this does not worry me. The fourth search: She nailed within 8,12 seconds (time limit is 3 minutes by the way). Again with a very nice freeze marking. 🥰 25 points.

The first day I was very nervous on the first searches which of course made it more difficult for Lexie. First competition, and I did not know what to expect or the procedures. She still marked good enough for me to understand that she had found the hides, but not as good as in training.

The second day I was much more relaxed, just having fun and enjoying the day. Her freeze markings on the hides were very good so then I was 100% sure she marked the hides.

This was so much fun. Corona go away, and let the competitions begin. 😀

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